About Us


If you are new to our blog, then welcome!  My name is Matthew Barrett and my wife (Lily) and our kids, Guillermo  (Spanish for William, so I usually call him Billy) and Rain moved into an RV full-time on July 31st, 2010 with no prior RV experience.  Pretty exciting, no?!?!?!

Until then we had been living in Charlottesville, Virginia, and we both felt that we had had enough of city life, where people don't develop deep relationships with their neighbors and where everyone is always shaving their yards, often more frequently than I shave my face.  We felt the heat was unbearable too, what with all the lawns and roads and no tree cover.  I grew up in Southwest Philly so I was starved for nature my whole childhood, and now I am finally camping, full-time! 

Please keep up with us while we make our journey out west to a destination which is not exactly clear at this point.  Hopefully, I will be able to put some articles on here as well, and not just the family photos and travel updates.  We'll see where this ultimately leads us. 

Have fun!